Sports Premium
From September 2014, schools with primary age pupils received extra sports funding through the Sports Pupil Premium. We are using this allocation to achieve a number of sustainable objectives and to ensure that pupils have the opportunity to compete at school, district, county and national sports level.
Please click PE Sports Funding 2021-22 to see further details about our 2021/22 spend and this Evaluation of Sports Funding 2021-22 to read about it’s evaluation of effectiveness and impact.
Please click this PE Sports Funding 2022-23 to see our plan for implementation of the funding 2022/23
Our focus areas are:
1. To develop and enhance the teaching of high quality PE across the curriculum in all classes.
2. To develop the leadership of PE to enable sustainable quality provision.
3. To provide pupils in KS2 and KS3 with expert, intensive coaching and support.
4. To develop teacher’s skills in the teaching of gymnastics from years 5-8.
5. To support sports provision in feeder First Schools
6. Engaging reading across the school with sports themed books
Please click to see our PE Milestones 24-25