Computing is playing an increasingly important part in our lives and we have a responsibility to provide our pupils with the skills, knowledge and perseverance needed to take advantage of the opportunities offered by computing now and in the future. We have the advantage of 2 Computing suites where PC’s have flat screen LCD monitors, mini-suites in the Year areas and DT rooms, plus at least 1 PC in every classroom linked to the school intranet. This enables all pupils to have their own space on the main server which they can access from anywhere in the school. It also provides e-mail facilities and safe and supervised access to the Internet. We have a suite of stand alone PC’s in the music room to be used with music software and 30 laptops to be used around the school.
All pupils throughout the school study Computing both as a discrete subject and in conjunction with other subjects. They develop increasing confidence in the use of Computing through a range of learning experiences carefully suited to their age and abilities. Pupils are also developing their understanding of the uses of Computing and the possibilities and effects of such use. They are able to experience and develop a wide range of skills such as word processing, data handling, measuring and recording, desk top publishing, information retrieval, graphics, web design, control technology and presentation skills. This year pupils will also be looking at the history of computers and how they work.
Pupils are able to use the network at lunchtimes to continue subject work or carry out individual research for homework tasks. We aim to enrich investigative learning and promote individual and group work by building on skills acquired in the first schools. We also aim to establish a firm skills and knowledge base to enable our pupils to take advantage of the opportunities offered at high school and beyond.
Click the link to view the Computing Year 7 and see the programme of study and expectations for each pupil by the end of the year.
Click the link to view the Computing Year 8 and see the programme of study and expectations for each pupil by the end of the year.
In year 7 pupils will cover:
- Unit 1 Scratch
In this unit, pupils will learn how to create a game using Scratch, a visual programming language. Students will learn how to program a Sprite, how to create their own Sprite and then a reminder on how to keep our files organised. They will progressively develop their skills and understanding of key concepts, including the repeat function, forever and repeat blocks, using the pen tool to create shapes, working with variables, and using broadcast messages for communication between game elements. Each lesson will introduce new concepts and provide hands-on activities to reinforce learning. At the end of the unit, students will showcase their learning by designing and creating their own unique game using Scratch - Unit 2 Inside a Computer
In this unit, pupils will learn to understand the basic components which make up a computer system. To understand that there is a range of operating systems used with computers. To understand the difference between some operating systems. To understand how all the components of a computer system work together, using technical language.
- Unit 3 Functional IT Skills
In this unit pupils will develop their core skills through activities looking at use of different pieces of everyday software and developing their skills to use applications that are common in everyday life. - Unit 4 Online Safety
During this unit, pupils will learn to identify the dangers of being online. Describe the term Cyberbullying. Describe the term digital footprint Discuss ways to stay safe online. Identify the dangers of social networking websites. Describe and understand how to protect personal data. - Unit 5 The Internet and HTML/CSS
In this unit, pupils will embark on an exciting journey into the world of web development by exploring HTML and CSS. Starting with the fundamentals of HTML, they will learn to create basic web pages, add headings, paragraphs, and lists to structure content, and incorporate images and links for enhanced interactivity. They will then delve into the realm of CSS, understanding its role in text formatting and styling, and how to apply styles to HTML elements. Through hands-on activities and assessments, students will gradually develop proficiency in web design, culminating in a recap and review of the concepts covered, including the distinction between block-level and inline elements. By the end of this unit, students will have gained a solid foundation in creating and styling web pages using HTML and CSS.
In year 8 pupils will cover:
Unit 1 Binary
This unit introduces pupils to the concept of binary. They become familiar with the denary system (base 10) and the binary system (base 2). The students practise converting both from binary to denary and from denary to binary. They also look at how control technology is used in the modern world through the use of ASCII Characters, how images and colour are presented on the screen and finally how audio is recorded and presented as a sound. This unit will allow the students to have a better understanding of how binary helps influence aspects of their everyday lives. -
Unit 2 Impact of Technology on Society
In this unit, we will explore the fascinating world of technology and its impact on society. Through engaging PowerPoint presentations with advanced animations, students will learn how to effectively communicate their ideas and make their presentations more engaging. We will delve into the profound changes technology has brought to our lives and how it has transformed the way we live, work, and interact with each other. Students will also gain a deeper understanding of computers by breaking them down into their various components and understanding how they work together. Additionally, we will explore complex networking, uncovering how computers communicate with each other. Finally, we will examine the World Wide Web and its role in connecting people and information globally, while also delving into the ethical considerations surrounding internet use. Students will learn how to search smartly, ensuring they find reliable and accurate information online. Through this unit, students will develop essential technological and critical thinking skills necessary for navigating and understanding our increasingly interconnected world. -
Unit 3 Microbits
During this unit, children will be exposed to another aspect of programming, using Microbits. Children will have the opportunity to develop their code writing skills, as well and decomposition and debugging, to create their own programmes and games.
Unit 4 Online Safety/Cybersecurity
During this unit pupils will learn to:
- Explain the difference between data and information.
- Critique online services in relation to data privacy.
- Identify what happens to data entered online
- Explain the need for the Data Protection Act
- Recognise how human errors pose security risks to data
- Implement strategies to minimise the risk of data being compromised through human error
- Define hacking in the context of cyber security
- Explain how a DDoS attack can impact users of online services
- Identify strategies to reduce the chance of a brute force attack being successful
- Explain the need for the Computer Misuse Act
- List the common malware threats
- Examine how different types of malware causes problems for computer systems
- Question how malicious bots can have an impact on societal issues
- Compare security threats against probability and the potential impact to organisations
- Explain how networks can be protected from common security threats
- Identify the most effective methods to prevent cyberattacks
Unit 5 Introduction Python
This unit provides an introductory exploration of Python programming, focusing on building foundational coding skills. Students will develop a solid understanding of Python as a programming language, starting with basic concepts such as variables, data manipulation, and displaying messages. They will progress to working with numbers, performing calculations, and implementing conditional statements and loops for program control. The unit also covers the use of functions for code organization and reusability, along with error handling techniques. Students will conclude the unit by applying their knowledge to create a simple calculator program and a guessing game. By the end of this unit, students will have acquired the essential skills to begin their journey as Python programmers. -
Unit 6 Google Sketch up
Over the course of this unit, students will be designing their own house both inside and out. Some of may even have a go at designing a whole neighbourhood! You will use a range of skills and vocabulary that will allow you to develop your graphic design skills by designing in 3D. Then, you will have 3 lessons to put these skills into practice by completing your house/street for your final assessment. Finally, you will need to create a poster that explains the choices that you have made on your house
For parental advice on children’s online safety, please see Skips Safety Net (