Computing is a subject of essential importance and one that our pupils are certain to be using in their future lives and careers. Not only do pupils need to be able to use technology, but with the new curriculum there is an emphasis on programming computers too.
Our KS2 Computing Curriculum aims to enthuse students and provide them with the knowledge and skills to become confident computer scientists and be able to use the technology they will come across daily. We follow the National Curriculum and cover programming, the internet, online safety, use of software, and data.
Computing and computer skills are used across the curriculum. Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Publisher and Excel are used widely in all subjects.  We teach effective internet research skills and how to evaluate internet content across KS2. This is useful for research projects across the curriculum.
We have two ICT suites, computers available in year areas and interactive whiteboards in every classroom. We also have a class set of tablets for use around the school. Programmes and software we use include Scratch, Google Sketch Up and Microsoft Office. We use several web based resources including, and Google Classrooms.
Year 5 Units:
Unit 1: Introduction to Computing – Logging on / E-portfolios
Unit 2: Scratch Crystal Flowers
Unit 3: Computational Thinking – Sharing Information
Unit 4: Internet Safety / Keeping Yourself Safe
Unit 5: Creating Documents / Computing Skills
Unit 6: Scratch – We Are Game Developers
Unit 7: Excel – Basic Spreadsheets
Unit 8: Around the World
Year 6 units:
Unit 1: Recap Computing Introduction
Unit 2: Internet Safety – Risks and Protection
Unit 3: Scratch Advanced Variables
Unit 4: Flowol
Unit 5: Kodu
Unit 6: Spreadsheets
Unit 7: Movie Trailer
Click the link to view the Computing Year 6 Milestones and see the programme of study and expectations for each pupil by the end of the year.
Code Club:
Code Club runs on Thursdays after school for Years 5 and 6. The children follow projects created by Code Club – we start with the Scratch projects. The projects are designed to be easy to follow but allow creativity and pupils to be challenged. Pupils really enjoy the club and it has been oversubscribed for the last two terms.
Spring and Summer Term homeworks:
Year 5 Computing Homework Spring Term
Year 6 Computing homework Spring
Year 5 databases homework – Summer
Year 6 App Design Homework – Summer
For parental advice on children’s online safety, please see Skips Safety Net (