Our English curriculum aims to enable all children to make the most possible progress in spoken language, reading and writing.
Literacy and language is central to the learning progress and all teachers contribute to the development of our pupils’ confident use of literacy skills in every area of our curriculum.
With spoken language, we provide a range of opportunities to develop self expression and co-operation – including assemblies, dramatic performances, debates and presentations.
We promote reading as a pleasurable, highly valued activity. We extend our childrens’ reading skills through daily guided and shared reading sessions. We also encourage them to make full use of the county library, including being librarians. We also encourage a partnership with home and value parental support with a whole school initiative which involves book marks, stickers and rewards.
When developing writing skills, we consider very carefully the purpose and audience of a task. This includes close study of a variety of texts, including the experience of shared writing, modelled by and with the teacher. This precedes class, group and individual activities designed to promote confidence and self-esteem.
Pupils have assessment opportunities throughout all units of work. The aim of this is to give the pupils more ownership of their literacy skills and develop skills as independent learners. Assessment tasks are marked according to clear objectives; then individual targets are set and shared with children, allowing them to see what is required to make even more progress.
We aim to provide a stimulating and pleasurable environment for each individual to achieve his/her potential and give them the confidence needed to progress successfully onto high school.
Click the links to view the programme of study and expectations for each pupil by the end of the year.
In years 7 and 8 pupils will cover the following topics to enable assessment against those milestones: