The County Agreed Syllabus provides the basis for Religious Education in our school. Parents have a right to withdraw their children during lessons or assemblies.
Christianity forms the main focus of our scheme, but children are introduced to other important world religions, these being –
Years 5 & 6 – Sikhism and Islam
Years 7 & 8 – Judaism and Hinduism
We have strong links with the local churches and our assemblies reflect these links. Collective worship occupies an important place within the life of our school. It forms an integral part of our assemblies and it provides an opportunity for all members of the school to gather together to remind us of, and to reflect upon, those beliefs and values that bind us together as a
In wider educational context, we hope to celebrate the achievements of all members of our school and use assemblies as occasions when due acknowledgement is given to a range of successes.
It is hoped that at the end of four years with us, the children will be aware of and tolerant towards the views of others, whilst continuing the search for their own meaning and purpose in life.
Our school aims are as follows:
- To enable pupils to gain a more detailed understanding of Christian faith, practice and morality, this being the tradition of our school.
- To develop the pupils’ interest in, and awareness of, religion as a personal and social phenomenon.
- To enable pupils to gain knowledge about religion (worship, writings, festivals, religious people and communities, symbols, beliefs etc.)
- To enable each pupil to continue to work out his/her own faith and beliefs and to develop a sympathetic understanding of faiths other than his/her own.
Click the link to view the Year 7 RE Milestones and see the programme of study and expectations for each pupil by the end of the year.
Click the link to view the Year 8 RE Milestones and see the programme of study and expectations for each pupil by the end of the year.