We aim to present French as a lively and useful means of communication enabling the pupils to understand and appreciate different countries, cultures, people and communities.  Pupils also learn about the basic structures of language.  They explore the similarities and differences between the foreign language they are learning and English or another language, and learn how language can be manipulated and applied in different ways.

In Key Stage 2 the Curriculum is delivered through programmes of study based on Key Stage 2 Framework for Languages.  Pupils are encouraged to actively participate in a variety of games and singing activities. Emphasis is placed on developing good oral literacy skills.  Learning activities are broad and varied and appeal to children’s different learning styles – visual, oral and kinaesthetic.  Children work both individually and sometimes collaboratively to perform dialogues and role plays in pairs/small groups.

Click the link to view the Year 5 French Milestones and see the programme of study and expectations for each pupil by the end of the year.

Click the link to view the Year 6 French Milestones and see the programme of study and expectations for each pupil by the end of the year.